Monthly ADHCE Meeting

  • 6 Feb 2025
  • 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
  • Online Via Zoom


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Thurs. Feb 6 2025, 11:30-12:30 PM EST

Presentation: The Path to Anti-Ableist Transformation in Health Professions Education: Creating anti-ableist health care professional training programs

Summary: The recently published chapter "Dismantling Ableism in Interprofessional Medical Education to Promote Health Equity for People with Disabilities" in the book titled:  "Reimagining Medical Education: The Future of Health Equity and Social Justice" will be described by several of its authors. This includes their PATH Model: The Path to Anti-ableist Transformation in Health professions education. Presenters will share examples of how the PATH model can be applied in interdisciplinary health care education to create anti-ableist health care professional training programs.


Dr. Cara Whalen Smith, PT, DPT, MPH, CHES is a public health physical therapist with expertise in program planning, implementation, evaluation, and community health assessment. She leads Disability Inclusion & Accessibility for Ohio Colleges of Medicine Gov. Resource Center directing state and national interprofessional healthcare workforce development projects to improve health equity for people with disabilities. She was a team member in establishing consensus on the Core Competencies by the Alliance for Disability in Health Care Education and founding member of the Amer. Physical Therapy Assoc.’s Academy of Leadership and Innovation Disability Justice and Anti-Ableism Catalyst Group.         

Ryan McGraw M.SDisability & Development (Univ. of Ill. at Chicago). He is an Access Living’s Health/Home and Community Based Services Community Organizer and facilitates two groups: Taskforce for Attendant Services and Independent Voices. His work in the disability advocacy field includes home- and community-based services and health equity. He passionately believes everyone should have the right to live in the community with the services they need.

Amanda Sharp, PT, DPT PhD is PT Program Associate Director/ Associate Professor at the University of Minnesota. Her research centers on disability diversity in physical therapy education and she is a regular consultant to students, colleagues, and other professionals on ways to support disability diverse learners in healthcare education. 

On the first Thursday of every month at 11:30 EST ADHCE provides a networking opportunity to members and interested guests as well as near Monthly Presentations. The monthly meeting typically includes presentations around current topics of interest, advocacy, and announcements for upcoming events. You can also learn more about the organization and the wonderful work of its members. Students are welcomed. If you are not a member you will need to register to receive a free Zoom invite to attend monthly meetings.

ADHCE does not collect registration fees for any event and proudly offers monthly meetings and an annual conference at no additional cost to attendees. We do welcome donations to support ongoing operational expenses as the organization continues to grow. And if you are not yet a member please join ADHCE.

About the association

The Alliance for Disability in Health Care Education, Inc. (ADHCE), is a “501 (c) (3) Public Charity”  organization of healthcare educators and professionals who are working to integrate disability-related content and experiences into healthcare education and training programs.

Copyright ©2023 Alliance for Disability in Health Care Education.


General Inquiries:  Carole Schwartz
Membership Dues / Donations:  Andrew Symons

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